Can windows be equipped with additional acoustic accessories for better sound insulation?

Yes, windows can be equipped with additional acoustic accessories for improved sound insulation. One of the best solutions in this regard is the use of sound-insulating glass, which significantly reduces the level of noise entering the building.

Sound-insulating glass consists of several layers of glass of different thicknesses, joined by an acoustic film that further dampens noise. Glass of this type is particularly recommended for buildings near busy roads, airports or city centers, where the volume of sound can be a nuisance.

With the use of such glass, windows can effectively reduce noise levels by up to several tens of decibels, which significantly improves indoor acoustic comfort. In combination with appropriate window profiles and tight installation, windows with soundproof glass provide excellent protection against unwanted outside sounds.

If you are looking for increased sound insulation, soundproof glass will be an ideal solution.

Additional acoustic element for improved sound insulation